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Common Language Used In Boating

It is your first boat adventure and you want to feel comfortable. There are common boating and yachting terms that will help you understand the process. While boating and yachting are fun, they can be dangerous if you are not familiar with what to do and parts of the sailing vehicle. Read on to discover common language used in boating.

Bow, Stern and Amidship

Simply put, this is the front, back and middle of the boat. The bow is the front f the boat, the stern is the back of the boat and the amidship refers to the middle of the boat. Captains of the boat will direct you to the bow, stern or amidship when they need everyone in one location.


The beam is the widest part of any boat or yacht and is often used to determine angles needed for navigational lights while traveling at sea. The beam is the source of the direction of the boat lights that help with having a clear view of large fish, icebergs or other obstructions in your path.

The Transom

The Transom term is used in reference to smaller boats. it is the back of the boat where the engine is mounted. The transom is one of the most important terms to understand for any small boat lover.

Port And Starboard

Port describes the left side of the boat and starboard describes the right side of the boat. While this may seem simple, it can be confusing depending upon where you are on the boat. If you are facing the bow, the port will be on your left side and the starboard will be on your right. This is a simple trick to help you determine the correct side during a major and dangerous situation where you need to know where to go for safety. During night sailing, when you turn on your lights, the port side is red and the starboard side is green. This helps oncoming boats and yachts to understand your course of direction and who has the right of way for passing each other. When you are approaching a ship and see a green light, then you have the right of way and can pursue your course. However, if the oncoming ship has a red light, then you must stop and allow the oncoming boat or yacht to pass before continuing on course.

Down Below And Ladder

There are many boats and yachts who have a lower level that is referred to as down below. The ladder is the small stairs that help you get to the area below or to the engine room through a hatch. The area down below may have a bedroom on a luxury yacht and an engine room which is the operational site that will ultimately drive the boat or yacht.


A passage for more than one person is reserved for a large yacht. It is often called companionway and is big enough for your companion and you. Having a larger passage way allows both people to quickly get to safety during a storm or other dangerous dilemma.

The Galley

The galley always refers to the kitchen on a boat, cruise ship or yacht. It is a larger area on the boat where you can store food and cook for eating your daily meals. Galleys on cruise ships are large enough to handle stoves and other cooking utensils needed for serving and feeing a large number of people at one time.

The Head

The head of the boat is the bathroom. Yachts will often have elaborate bathrooms that look like home bathrooms. Cruise ships may have smaller bathroom inside the rooms, but larger more elaborate bathrooms in common areas on the ship. Smaller boats may not have a head. People using smaller boats will use an area near the bow as the head or bathroom.

Lines And Hawser

A line on a boat is a rope that has been taken from your home to be used on the boat. Lines will be used for many reasons or emergency situations. When a line is used to tie up cargo ships it is called a hawser.


A map of the sea, ocean and its underwater features is called a chart. These maps can be physically hand written or electronic systems. They help to show you the direction to go and if there will be any underwater obstructions in your way. Always bring a written map in case your electronic chart devices fail.


Fenders are the inflatable rubber bumpers used to protect the hull of the boat. People sailing will throw them over the side of the boat before docking.

Cuddy Cabin or Cabin

The cuddy cabin or cabin refers to the living area on the boat. Large yachts have a bedroom that can be as large as a home bedroom. Cruise ships have multiple cabins for patrons to enjoy. Most cruise ships have smaller cabins for customers to use, with the belief that there is so much to do on the ship, that most people will not be in their cabins for any long periods of time.


The berth is referred to as the sleeping area on a smaller boat. It is also the place where the smaller boat is tied up.

Reading this article will help if this is your first time on a small boat, cruise ship or yacht. For more common language used in boating, visit Understanding the common language used in boating helps a new person going out to sail feel more comfortable with the boating experience. A first time on sea can lead to nervousness, anxiety and feeling lost. Ease your mind by learning these terms on your traveling voyage. Knowing the different parts of a boat, cruise ship or yacht will help you know what the captain of the sea is speaking about when he gives directions to his crew who will in turn give to patrons. This will allow you to settle down and truly enjoy your experience at sea. Using these terms is a basic beginning as you grow in learning more nautical terms.

How to Talk with Someone Who Doesn’t Speak Your Language

When you are at work, school, university, or anywhere else where people might speak different languages and you want to communicate with them: how do you go about it? How can we overcome the language barrier and connect with people who don’t speak our language? Maybe we will become friends. Perhaps we will understand each other and chat with each other, even if we don’t speak the same language.

How to speak with people who don’t speak your language.

The basics of communication.

To communicate with someone who doesn’t speak your language, it is important that you have some of the most basic of social skills. You need to be able to look at someone, express yourself (verbally or non-verbally), and talk with them in order to establish a connection with them. So if you are interested in finding out how to do this, check out these articles where I talk about body language, the power of a touch, and how to make people like you. If you want some verbal assistance one way or another, you can also try my article on improving and creating effective communication.

The power of body language.

We all know that body language is important in order to communicate with someone, but did you know that it might be your best weapon? The way you look at other people can help them understand what you are trying to say. You can use this so-called “universal language” to look at the person you are talking to in a friendly manner, and they will get the signal. If they do not, repeat the process until they reciprocate your look or give some other sign of interest (e.g., smiling back or asking if everything is alright). Furthermore, always have good posture while doing this – stand tall and show determination but not aggression. This will also make you look more confident and interesting in the eyes of the person you are trying to talk to.

The power of touch.

If a handshake, a hug, or any other form of touch is appropriate, then go for it! You can use this form of communication to establish a connection with someone who doesn’t speak your language. In addition, if you have already interacted with this person before, they will likely be more comfortable around you and easier for you to connect with them. As always, though, take into account local customs and practice touching people in non-intimate places. If in doubt, don’t do it.

Find common ground.

Not everyone likes talking about their work, so why not find out what is important in their lives? Maybe you can find out what kind of food they like, if they like sports and games. There are many ways to establish a connection with someone, and it’s worth investing time into these things to make sure that you get along when conversing with them.

Don’t stick too close to this topic.

It might seem like common sense but establishing a connection is easier if two people talk about things other than the weather (especially in countries where it hardly ever changes – such as Greece!). If possible, try finding out about their favorite music, films, or TV shows. This will give you something else to talk about and keep the conversation going for longer.

Be patient.

When you don’t speak a language, it takes a lot of effort to understand what the person in front of you is saying. More often than not, if their English is not very good, they might speak slowly or use simple sentences to understand better. In addition, sometimes people talk very fast, and at other times they mumble – these are all normal things that anyone who does not speak your language will do, so it’s best to bear this in mind.

Ignore ignorance.

On the flip side, sometimes people assume you can’t understand them out of arrogance or ignorance. Therefore, remember that you can choose not to react if someone’s English is not very good and try again later. Also, you can always resort to asking your friend for help or using body language; remember that it might take a while before you manage to understand the other person fully.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Even after doing all of these things, some people will still keep their distance from you because they feel insecure about speaking English in front of you. If this happens, don’t get too annoyed – maybe they are really shy people who need more time than others. Nowadays, making friends is hard regardless of whether or not two people speak the same language, so make sure you are patient with them. Moreover, there is a lot to be said for learning a language from scratch, and the person in front of you is a perfect example of this.

You can’t always rely on your body.

This might seem obvious, but sometimes people run out of things to say, even if they are sitting right across from you. Therefore, remember that it is important to use your words as well as gestures and signs – otherwise, this could lead to an awkward silence! In fact, the more confident you appear, the more likely it is for someone else to feel comfortable around you. So stand up straight, speak clearly, and don’t mumble! Believe in yourself a little bit.

In order to keep a conversation going with someone who doesn’t speak English, it’s important to try and establish a connection with them. This can be done by talking about things other than the weather, working out what is important in their life, or asking questions if there is silence. Everyone learns languages at different speeds, so keep working on your communication skills – you’ll soon get there! You need to be patient, confident and above all, not take it personally if the other person isn’t very communicative.

communication secrets

Effective Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills

Communication can sometimes seem to be a daunting task, especially for shy people. Most people find it difficult to communicate especially when they are surrounded by a crowd, communication tends to be a difficult task for such people. However, Shy people are not the only people who fumble to communicate effectively, even overconfident people tend to miss the important protocols in effective communication. The best communicators we mostly admire did not acquire good communication skills overnight, they did not need a magic wand to communicate better, they had to practice till they got better. So, the secret trick to being an effective communicator is to practice and without that, it would be impossible to communicate effectively. In this article, I would talk about effective ways to improve your communication skills.

Work on your listening skills

Everyone is talking every day but how many people get time to listen? To improve on your communication skills it is important to learn how to listen. It is virtually impossible to improve your communication skills when you always do the talking and have no time to listen. For communication to be effective both parties must understand each other and it is impossible to understand the messenger when you do not listen when they talk. To improve on your communication skills learn how to pay attention when someone is speaking, show facial gestures and nonverbal signs when someone is talking to you this assures them you are paying attention. Many people downplay listening when it comes to communication they don’t see it as an effective tool when it comes to communication. Most mistakes would have been avoided if people listened very well. Once you listen attentively you would be able to send effective feedback to your messenger. So to be effective in communication you should develop your listening skills.

Practice conversations

To be an effective communicator you have to practice conversations. You can start with small talks, master how to start conversations with your neighbors, family, and co-workers. Make it a conscious effort to talk to people every day. This would boost your confidence and also improve your communication skills as I said earlier practice is the catalyst for every good communicator. Once you practice talking to people and even sometimes random people you would be shocked how you will improve. It may take some time if the person doesn’t speak your language.

Put away distractions when communicating

putting away distractions is one effective way to improve your communication. In this era when everyone is on their phone, most people do not even put their phones down when communicating with others. This is a bad practice and it gives the impression you don’t take the communication you are currently having seriously. Technology is not the only distraction sometimes our environment can be a distraction. It is advisable to look at the person you are communicating with, do away with every distraction, you can always come back to them after the communication. Once you are communicating your total focus should be on the person you are communicating with. This shows you take what the person is communicating very seriously. This is an effective way to improve your communication.

Engage your Listeners

No one wants to listen to boring conversations. To be an effective communicator you should work on how to engage your listeners. People tend to lose interest in conversations or talks when the listener is not engaging. Ask questions and follow-ups when you are talking to people.

Also, pick topics that would interest your listeners. Sometimes what it takes to get your listeners engaged is an interesting topic. People tend to respond better to interesting topics that sometimes do the trick for you. If you take a less engaging topic people normally show less or no interest in what you are saying. So to be an effective communicator be strategic on topics you choose and learn how to ask questions a little sense of humor won’t be bad to work to improve on that.

Learn to overcome social anxiety

The number one impediment to effective communication is social anxiety. Social anxiety comes in several forms, it can come in shyness, nervousness, racing heart, sweating profusely, etc. these anxieties are experienced when we try to communicate among people. Effective communication is nearly impossible when we have social anxiety so it is best to overcome it. One way to overcome your social anxiety is asking for help from your close friends or family we mostly tend not to be shy of our family members and close friends, these people love you and they will help you overcome your fears. You can also face your fears by challenging yourself to talk to a few people each day. This is quite daunting but once you persist you get better with time. Communication will never be effective if one party is very shy or has social anxiety so you should practice hard to improve your social anxiety.

Learn to control your emotions

There are many effective ways to improve your communication skills but controlling your emotions is golden. To be an effective communicator it is imperative to learn how to control your emotions and learn how to express them appropriately. We are not human if we don’t express emotions but emotions must be in their proper context. You don’t want to be seen laughing in a conversation when a tragic event is being discussed this makes you appear callous and insensitive. Learn not to shout at people when you are angry this speaks ill of you rather learn how to express your emotions nicely and do not let them have the best of you. Every proper communicator knows when to put on a smile even when they don’t feel like smiling, these are all part of the nitty-grittys of communication. This should be mastered to be an effective communicator.

Be brief and specific

One way communication can be effective is when they are brief and straight to the point. No one likes to listen to conversations that beat around the bush such a method in communication ruins effective communication since the other party loses interest. Communications should not contain unnecessary anecdotes and topics, it should be brief and straight to the point. once you master this skill it would improve your communication skills.

Mastering effective ways to improve your communication skills is very essential and therefore everyone should put in much effort to be good at that. Effective communication breaks many barriers and it is worthwhile to improve on it.

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